Longevity Tips for a Better Life

As we get started on the first few pages of 2022, what did you put on your New Year’s resolution list? Get that promotion? Lose a little weight? What about finding true happiness that fills your soul? 

At Azura Living, we take great joy in caring for seniors who have lived long and amazing lives. They are sources of inspiration, joy, and wisdom every day. We often find ourselves asking them what the “secrets” to a long marriage or happiness is. From them, we have learned that no matter your age, you can take steps to redesign your lifestyle to lead a fulfilled, happy, long and active life by following these tips:

Keep your calendar full of family and friends 

A full social calendar that includes family events, time with close friends, and social outings is one of the most critical factors to longevity.  Research has shown that being social has a dramatic effect on your health and can reduce cognitive decline.  Strengthening your relationships with your family, staying in touch with friends, and finding opportunities to meet new people, can all help with prolonging your life.

Move more

It’s important to move beyond the allotted 30-minutes in the gym each day and keep moving and active throughout your entire day. Try counting your steps, getting outdoors. Include exercises that improve strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance. In other words, take every opportunity to get up and move whenever can!

Eat REAL food

Knowing what you should be eating and then sticking to a balanced diet is often easier said than done! All is not lost if you have one donut, one bad meal, or one off-day.  No one ever got skinny off a single salad or obese from one Big Mac.  It takes planning, dedication, and patience over time, so don’t get discouraged.  Try to keep your portions controlled and focus on eating foods that are healthy for your heart, brain, and bones.

Get some ZZZ’s

A good night’s sleep is a critical piece to your life-lengthening puzzle.  It can lower your risk for developing diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day and establish a bedtime ritual to wind down in the evenings for a better night’s sleep.

Low stress is the way to go 

Not sweating the small things can add years to your life.  The key to a long life is to strive for balance and let go of unnecessary stress. Healthy ways to reduce your stress can include meditation, deep breathing during a yoga class, talking with a friend, or taking a long walk in the sunshine.

Find the JOY in every day

Sometimes the simplest, small steps can have the biggest impact on one’s life.  Finding the things that you enjoy doing can make life worth living! Find something every day that you enjoy—read a new book, try new food, hug your dog, play with your grandkids, warm your face in the sun, or indulge in a hobby. Keep a gratitude journal to recognize and appreciate these happy moments and experiences in your life. 

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