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Marie Post, Executive Director

From an early age I knew helping people is what makes this world a good and Happy place. I volunteered at Veterans hospital the summer I was 14 years old, my father was the chief pharmacist there at that time. I knew then I would always want to help.

I became a CNA at the age of 16 and worked in a nursing home, I loved my job and felt I was making a difference.

Circumstances had me step off of that path, and I worked in the restaurant service industry for 30 years, coming in as wait staff and retiring a general manager, realizing I needed something to fill me up, although I really enjoyed fixing problems I knew God had bigger and better plans for my life. I have 2 incredible children, whom were raised by this time. I re-entered the world of senior care and have not looked back. I have been an activity coordinator, a Quality of Life director, a Certified dementia coach, and have Managed a memory care for 6 years. It is my passion and I am so excited to be back with team Azura.

I am Happily married, Live in Sheboygan and I  have 2 grown children, and 4 very Loved  Grandsons.

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