George’s PGA Dream

George Tomashot was an accustomed golfer prior to his stay at Azura Memory Care and has since then continued to express his love for the game. He knew all the […]

Don Takes Flight

Many years ago, Don bought a plane for his x-ray business since he was traveling all over the states. He went to Waukesha and took all the classes to become […]

Lewy Body Dementia

Azura’s Nicole Weber goes live on The Morning Connection to give us an in depth look at Lewy Body Dementia.

Judy Dances with the Bucks Grand Dancers

Did you know that dancing can prevent dementia? In 2003, the New England Journal of medicine did multiple studies and found that dancing CAN reduce the onset of dementia. This […]

What Not to Say to Someone with Dementia

Azura of Eau Claire’s Executive Director, Nicole Weber, is live on the Morning Connection to talk about words and sayings that can trigger those with dementia.